Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Edukids Mathematics Conference a math competition or an awards ceremony?
The "Mathematics Cup" competition will take place at 8:00 am on the day, and the award ceremony is expected to start at 11:00 am.
The venue for the Edukids Mathematics Conference is at KSL Esplanade Hotel. Is it in the Mall or the Hotel?
The Mall and Hotel are adjacent. The mathematics conference will be held in the Hall of the Hotel.
Must participating students be accompanied by their team leader teacher to attend?
No. Elementary school participants must be accompanied by their parent(s). The organizers invite school teachers to attend the award ceremony, which is expected to start at 11:00 am.
Are there any dress code requirements for participating students on that day?
Participating students must wear neat school uniforms (with school emblems) to enter the competition venue and attend the award ceremony. School Sportswear are not allowed.
Will there be assigned seating for school representatives attending the award ceremony, such as the principal, vice-principal, team leader teacher, or PTA chairperson?
Yes, the organizers sincerely invite school representatives to attend the award ceremony and will prepare seats according to the response received from the schools.
Will there be seating for parents attending the award ceremony?
Due to space limitations, only one parent can accompany each participant to attend the award ceremony.
Are there past exam papers available for the Edukids Mathematics Conference "Mathematics Cup" competition?
No, students can download past exam papers from MiMAS and EMC online.
当天早上8:00am 将会进行【数学杯】比赛,预计11:00am会进行颁奖典礼。
育能数学大会举办地点在KSL Esplanade Hotel,请问是在 Mall 还是 Hotel?
Mall 和 Hotel 是相邻的,数学大会是在Hotel的 Hall 里面。
不是。小学组参赛学生必须由家长亲自陪同出席。主办单位诚意邀请学校老师出席颁奖典礼,颁奖典礼预计 11:00am 开始。
没有,同学们可上网下载 MiMAS 和 EMC 的考题。